Saturday, April 28, 2012

Previous Blog

so, today i'm walking down memory lane with my old blog...i want to take the time to explain what happened and why i had to start over...

for some time, my kids shared a computer with me...i didn't mind letting them because they had school work and sometimes wanted to play games...for some reason, my daughters google account got crossed with my google account...i never really got an answer from google on this matter...i even tried to pay google to fix the problem for me and when they contacted me, i was never offered the option to pay even though it its "offered" on their site...

when this first happened i was devastated...i cried every time i thought about it...i had to walk away for some time so that i could think about what i wanted to do...i had worked so hard trying to build a business and to create my dream...i completely cut myself off from all forms of creativity...for several months i have not wanted to do anything to my house...for me, i suffer from depression and this only made things worse...the happiness that i had received from sharing my work had been wiped out...i began focusing on other things to get my mind off of it...i thought long and hard and realized that if i could build a blog one time, then i could build it a second time...

i just wanted to share some pictures from the old blog that i thought was interesting...a little depressing...LOL but possible to recreate...

here are my old followers...56 people...not alot compared to the larger blogs...but it made me happy
i had alot of page views...less than a year on a blog
i posted 83 times...alot of people make posts every single can be quite overwhelming for someone thats busy...
 here i go everybody! i'm back with all of my heart...i will continue as before but maybe not as fast...thanks to everybody that has supported me...


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